Thursday, May 13, 2010


Going into this week on standardized tests and college applications I identified myself as white. However, it has become clear to me that I'm more than that. While I am so pale that people look to me as being white, not only are there different shades of white, there are also white people all over the world. So it's kind of weird that people think of me as white when in reality they don't know what my roots are.
Everyone says that there are certain traits of Jews. The have big noses, they like to bargain, and they have thick black hair. However, the only thing that identifies me as Jewish is my hair. Everything else about me can pass as another religion, or in some cases race. I have passed as being Irish before ( I have lots of freckles and burn easily) and also have passed for being German (that was once and I'm pretty sure that person was mentally ill). The point of it is that while I have learned that my race is now "other" on these forms as I am a Jew, I can be identified any way I choose. We all can. This is the big issue. The world is having a huge identity crisis as we speak.
Maybe it's time not to take race into account. After all, we're all people and unless we share the world peacefully with one-another we will probably lead to the end of it.

Yours Truly,
Jessie <3

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