Friday, February 5, 2010

This is SO Stereotypical

Freaks and Geeks is probably one of the best shows on the planet because as outrageous as it seems it accurately depicts high school. There are many social groups including, the jocks, the geeks, the outcasts, the druggies, etc. But watching this show made me realize something about myself: I'm not defined by one certain social group. Rather, I like to go from group to group. And then I wondered- is my lack of identifying with a certain social group proof that I am going through a severe identity crisis? For a while, I panicked. I mean, what else was I supposed to do? My identity was already lost, so I thought.
It turns out that it is because I go from group to group that I don't have an identity crisis. Yet I am so comfortable with who I am that people from a vast majority of social groups feel comfortable around me. From these people I learned that while they may be part of one certain social group, they aren't defined by it by any means. Rather these students prove to me every day that there is more to them that meets the eye.
Groups don't define you- you define yourself. As Eleanor Roosvelt said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent", don't let anyone make you feel that you are a geek or a nerd and that you aren't good enough. You are. There is no such thing as a geek, it's just a term people made up to feel more powerful.
Enjoy the weekend!


  1. That's a really great quote, and its very true. People make you feel inferior because you allow them to, or because you choose to accept what they say. You could just let it pass or fight back, but when you step down and take crap from other people, you accept that inferiority. Thanks for sharing Jess :)

  2. I totally agree with everything you are saying! I believe that people shouldn't be defined by a group or a label like geeks, or jocks. Just like you I tend to jump from group to group and I think that is definatley what defines us. We shouldn't care about how others view us but rather how we view ourselves. Well said!
