Saturday, March 20, 2010


Morrie was lucky- he had time to reflect on his life and make amends with people before he died. He got to teach a new lesson to one of his most precious students: life. We all wonder about it. How we got here, who we are, and most importantly why we are the way we are. That third question is something that can be answered through studying sociology. We can see that we do things like stand up on two feet, speak and understand language, and even wear clothing because of being nurtured. Through studies like Genie, where she was isolated for 13 years of her life, we can see what is in our nature as well. Making a connection with other beings is something that is innate in humans. The want of acceptance is also something that is innate with humans, but the reason for that is that we can't survive by ourselves. Morrie even said that he didn't understand why it was a shame to depend on other people and machines for survival- because in the beginning and end of our lives that's what we do. Being human is more than just walking and speaking it is also those things that make us innately unique.
Have a good evening!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I break some type of norm every day. Yeah, they are folkways but still without even knowing it I break a norm or two. For instance, yesterday I was so tired I was walking on the wrong side of the hallway! Or on Thursday when I decided to eat a tuna sandwich for lunch (many people I sit with think tuna is gross, but I actually think it's really good). Also yesterday I was in a restaurant and my parents gave me this very oversized mug with the Michigan logo on it, and for a picture my grandpa told me to put it on my head! I obliged even though people probably thought I was crazy because no one in their right minds puts a mug on their head in the middle of a restaurant!! Each day we all break a minor folkway, at least in the most interesting of lives. I think subconsciously I do it because I am not a big fan of routine and school is all about routine. If I break a folkway it makes each day different and puts some humor into my day. Therefore, I'm not going to change my ways for society. They may just need to change their ways for people like me.

<3 Jessie